Monday, April 20, 2009


I weighed in on Saturday. Lost another 2.8 pounds for a total of 18 pounds total lost. I am very encouraged. Thank you, Lord, for your help. I couldn't do it without You.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Well, so many people are blogging about Easter, that I decided to do it, too.

As I reflect on the weekend of Easter, I find myself more and more thinking about all those people who accepted Jesus on Sunday. Yeah, the Easter Egg Drop draws them in to the church service, but Jesus draws them to Him. Those people are so lucky they chose to attend Waters Edge on Sunday. I was moved to tears by the many people who accepted Jesus in the service I attended. They no longer have to be alone in their struggles. They no longer have to worry about their place after death. They will be standing in front of their Saviour. I couldn't help but smile. I just love it when that happens.

By the way, The sermon was very powerful and the band was so good. I was so proud to be a part of that day. My part was tiny, but important, and I was glad to do it. I was impressed, as usual, by what that amazing staff of Waters Edge Church can accomplish. They are the most creative group that I have ever seen. I love my church.

Weight Success

Update on the weight loss saga. I have successfully lost 15.2 pounds thus far. Thanks be to God for giving me the strength to resist all the lovely food at Easter. I did really well staying in my points range. God is good.