Monday, September 9, 2013


"You see, my oldest child almost lost her life giving life to this wee little baby. I am still stunned by that fact. She almost died. I owe the lives of both of my daughters to the grace of God and Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. This narrative has a happy ending, but the middle is the hard part."

 I wrote this in December of 2012. Last Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013, our Pastor preached a sermon about being stuck in the middle and having a miraculous middle experience.

That sermon is positively true. If it hadn't been for the horrible middle of the experience with our little Nora and my baby girl, we wouldn't have experienced the miraculous middle miracle that happened. Practical application of the truth that was spoken on Sunday.

While I was scared and terrified and worried and beside myself, God was working on making a miracle for our family. I still think about the description that my sister-in-law described as she was praying for my daughter and granddaughter. She said this, "I saw the entire hospital circled by hundreds of prayer warriors with their hands and their hearts lifted to God, and I knew he was going to answer our prayers."

Friends, when you are stuck in the middle of harrowing times, just trust God. Pray and believe. He knows what He is doing. No matter what happens. No matter the outcome of the trial. No matter how long it takes. No matter if your prayers are answered the way you want them or not. God knows what He is doing. God is good, and God is great. He works miracles every single day in every single person. Big miracles, little miracles, ordinary miracles, but miracles, just the same. We don't even acknowledge all the miracles of each day that He gives us. He loves me. He loves you. He just wants to be near us. He has our best interests at heart.