Friday, July 25, 2008

Things change

Things change. True enough. Sometimes, though, things change that you don't want changed. Nothing stays the same. True again. Sometimes, though, you wish things could stay the same. Like growing children. Of course, you want them to grow up, but sometimes, don't you wish you could slow them down? Naturally, they wouldn't like that, what kid doesn't want to grow up as fast as they can? But, as I get older (and older), I find that time is fleeting. It passes so quickly. I can still remember when my girls were babies and now they are grown up women with babies of their own. I had no idea when I was wishing that they would walk, or talk, or just go to the bathroom by themselves, that I was wishing away the most glorious time in my life. It was a good time.

Not that now isn't good...God has blessed me with lots of grandchildren and I love them all so very much. Julia is nearly 16 and ready to get her driver's permit. Aubrey is 13. Chase is 11. Eden is 4 1/2, Addy Lin is 2. and Lila is 1. Such a great variety of personalities. Each one different, each one very special. Each one is growing up so fast that it makes my head spin. The old folks of my generation always said, "As you get older, time passes more quickly." I know for a fact that this is a true statement. I also think that because you don't have as much to strive for or to accomplish, you are just more aware that it is passing so quickly. When you are younger and you have so much to do, you don't notice that time passing so fast. It is as you get to the later years of your life that you realize that the old folks of your generation weren't so wrong after all and that you have become the old folks of your children's generation. I don't know if I like being old, but I like my life very much.

1 comment:

BetnyNonnie said...

Well my kids are blessed to have you for a Meema! I love my life too and alot of that is because you are my Mom! Love you!