Monday, July 26, 2010

Church Snobs

What I am going to say will offend some. What I am going to say is going to make some mad. However, I do not think I can rest until I say this.

I am happy that you LOVE your new church. I am excited for you that you have found your place. I don't wish you anything but peace, and I don't begrudge your decision to attend that church. I just want the same consideration in the choice of my church. No church is perfect, because they are run by people. People can unintentionally offend, people hurt other people without meaning to, people are sometimes mean, people are human with human frailties. We all make mistakes and are all imperfect. Thankfully, Jesus has our backs.

Your church is probably great. Your church is probably where you need to be. Your church has probably got wonderful people in it. Your church may have deep intellectual subject matter. Your church may fill up your weekdays with activities. Your church's music may be awesome. Your pastor may be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Your church may possibly be the answer to your prayer to God. If so, I am so glad you found it. What I have to say is this - Don't say mean or hurtful things about my church just because you like yours so much better. That makes you a church snob, and I will pray for you.

We have many churches and many different personalities in our town. It isn't the church or the building that makes a church right for someone. It is the relationship with Jesus that matters. If you love your church, that is great, but you should keep your comments and digs about your former church to yourself. What you sow, you shall reap, so be careful what words you use. Sour grapes are not a good meal.

I just pray that you will see that it is not about you. It is about Jesus. I wonder how Jesus feels about you saying mean things about His church. I doubt that He is proud of your actions, and He may even be a little embarrassed.

I pray that I am not a church snob, although, I do love my church. I just don't see the need to rub everyone's nose in it.

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