Friday, July 24, 2009

Another Weigh In Success

Well, last Saturday when I weighed in at Weight Watchers, I had lost another 2.8 pounds. For those of you counting, that is 40.6 pounds lost. I am seeing differences in my clothes, they are getting looser. They are still a big stretched out size, so I am not patting myself on the back too much--that can lead to rewards that I cannot have just now. When I meet a milestone, I reward myself with non-food things. A manicure, a new blouse, or some music from iTunes. Food awards I do not bestow.

Unfortunately though, pictures continue to frustrate me. Obviously, I have a better body image than the pictures show. Unfortunate for me, because I am stunned when I see pictures of me now. That woman in that picture is still enormous. Where exactly did I have those 40 pounds? My thighs for one. Enough said. But, they look much better now.

Anyway, my point of all this is not to beat myself up or denigrate my weight loss. It is to make myself aware that this is just the first third of this journey of weight loss. I have at least 85 more pounds to go. At least it isn't 125 anymore. Praise you, Lord for being with me throughout this process.

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