Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

It is nice to be a mother. I love my daughters so much. It is nice to be a grandmother, too. Very nice.

I got to see every single one of my grandchildren and both my girls and their husbands on this Mother's Day. I greatly missed the mothers that I used to have, but it was a great day, even still.

The weather was perfect, the company was excellent, and the food was quite delicious. I was very tired after that cook-out, but it was worth it - I chalk that up to my advancing age. Hearing the kids laughing and playing - that is such a delight to me. The kids were outside most of the day. They were in the kayak, going for a boat ride, paddling the paddle boat, crabbing, catching minnows, playing in the hammock, running and playing. It was so nice to see and hear. My girls used to do the same things in this same yard. I loved being with all of them.

It was a good day.

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