Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nora is Two!

Today is Nora's birthday. I love that little girl so much. I also love her mother. We almost lost both of them the day she was born. Without God's grace, we would have. Scary times, my friend.
I reflect on her little life. At first, her momma was so sick she could barely take care of her. John helped out so much. He had a lot on his shoulders. Bethany, the Mayor of Grafton, organized her life for her. She lived and breathed her sister and this tiny girl.

We watched this tiny person grow and she has exceeded all expectations. She is feisty. She is determined. She is adventurous. She is indefatigable. She is a mess maker. She is into EVERYTHING. Nothing is sacred for this little mite. Her Pappy calls her his "little bird." So many people love her and so many of those same people prayed for her. She is a lucky little girl. I know we are blessed to have her. She is such a happy little thing. Smiling is her Olympic sport. Her little face lights up when she smiles.

Chris is feeling much better these days. Physically. I know the fact that she can't have any more children haunts her. I also know that the miscarriages have taken a toll on her. She is an amazing person, though, and I know she will just get stronger and stronger.

Nora is in a "big girl" bed now. They took down the crib. Chris said it was sad to know that they wouldn't put it up again. I understand her pain.

I am trying mightily not to dwell on the terror of Nora's birth. I am trying to focus on the good things in our lives. I am being thankful for Nora. I know that I still can't explain to people what happened to Chris and Nora without crying. Even after two years.

Who am I kidding - Eden is 11 years old, and I can't talk about her birth experience without crying. I am just so thankful that God spared my girls. Thankful isn't even an adequate word for what I feel about these blessings. I honestly don't have words for the emotions that course through my being when I think about my grandchildren and my two daughters and where they would be without the grace of God.

I don't know exactly where I am going with these random thoughts, but I don't have anything profound to say except that every single day of every single year that Nora lives and breathes, I will be thankful. I am thankful for a mighty God. I am thankful for a savior. Without whom we would not have all these blessings. My God - How Great Thou Art!

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